Anchor blend, the oil of steadying and anchoring:
Lavender oil calms and centres the mind, a great aid for meditation. It helps to let go of the emotions, let go and heal, letting go of fear and inadequacy. An abundance oil, attracting real spiritual love and raising vibration. An oil of communication, supporting clear and honest communication.
Cedarwood oil, connect to the abundance of success all around you. The oil of grounded strength, it helps to focus and ground the mind, emotions, thoughts and spirits. An oil for grounding and confidence, Cedarwood oil can help with any creative visualisation, goal setting and affirmations. It’s good for connecting with nature and nature spirits, using it out in nature, the forest and the woods.
Black Pepper promotes courage, strength and inner fire. Pepper is protective and can be used to banish unwanted energies. Helps us to be true to ourselves and empower us to be who we truly are. Associated with the Earth Star chakra.
Patchouli helps to focus and brings inspiring motivation. It is great for clarity and manifestation for love and abundance. Patchouli enhances mindfulness and helps to be grounded and in the present moment, present in our mind and current situation.
Sandalwood oil balances, centres, calms and quietens the mind and is useful for meditating and contemplation, helping to tune into spirit guides and connecting us with what’s above and what’s below, connecting to the universal energies and the grounding energies to find the balance. Sandalwood helps to find direction and happiness and to bring us back into alignment with divine love and light.
Cinnamon awakens the passions and raises the energy within. It supports us in overcoming obstacles, barriers or any challenges standing in our path, to walk into the opportunity and to do what we love.
Frankincense oil is a loving and supportive oil, meditative and calming. It helps with mindfulness and to enjoy the moment and feel the love that surrounds you. Frankincense raises your vibrations and helps to find more balance in your life. It brings focus and clarity, transformation and enlightenment, good fortune and lady luck.